How have we contributed?

Project Description

The goal of the project was to co-design, together with commited Swedish actors, an online evidence platform to support and encourage acceptance, implementation and upscaling of innovative and sustainable solutions to recirculate nutrients and carbon from human excreta and other organic residuals to agriculture.


Responsible Nutrient Management in Sweden and around the World

The project was motivated by our vision of a world in which nutrients are recirculated from human excreta and other organic residuals to agriculture in a way that supports healthy water, soils, food, and people.


Online Evidence Platform

The online evidence platform consists of two parts: an evidence database and an evidence explorer.

Help Actors Navigate Solutions

We look forward to the evidence platform becoming a trusted source of knowledge that supports diverse actors around the world who wish to contribute to increased nutrient and carbon recirculation in a way that supports healthy water, soil, food, and people.

Strengthened Relationships and Collaborations

Our project also seeked to strengthen national and regional stakeholder relationships and collaborations, empowering stakeholders to jointly take action to develop, test, and implement innovative solutions that close nutrient cycles.


Kamprad Family Foundation

End-of-wastewater: Co-creation of a knowledge brokering and public engagement toolbox to support sustainable nutrient and carbon recovery and reuse.

Amount: SEK 3 500 000
Period: 2020-2023

How we worked ...